BWCs in the Northamptonshire Police Department

Ten Years of Body-Worn Video in Northamptonshire Police


Oxford University Press, 2017


David Spencer and Richard Cheshire

This article provides a commentary of Northamptonshire Police’s 10 year body-worn video (BWV) journey from a small pilot in 2006 to a highly developed position whereby BWV is culturally accepted and embedded across the force (with the exception of firearms officers). The availability of digital evidence is increasing and is growing in significance, and this brings with it a number of challenges. In order to combat this specific issue, Northamptonshire police have tried to create and maintain a device-agnostic BWV solution, which acknowledges that the technology is rapidly changing and requires flexibility. This is not unique to BWV technology, as these same issues exist in terms of mobile device extraction, CCTV, etc. Through the development and maintenance of their own internal supporting infrastructure, Northamptonshire Police have developed and been able to operate this solution to good effect.

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