BWC Training

Does the policy specify mandatory training requirements in order to be authorized to wear a BWC?

Sample Policy 1: No police officer shall use an issued or approved BWC prior to being trained in accordance with statutes in the use of the equipment and in the retention of data created by such equipment. Every police officer must receive training on the proper care and maintenance of the equipment at least annually.
Sample Policy 2: All employees who are issued a BWC must receive training in the use of the BWC by an authorized PD employee, and only those employees that have been issued a BWC and have received the department-authorized training may operate a BWC. All PD employees who use the BWC systems shall receive training on these systems and this policy.
Sample Policy 3: All sworn members of this department shall be trained on the BWC prior to usage. This training should include but not be limited to

  1. usage
  2. limitations
  3. activation
  4. deactivation
  5. retention/request periods.

All sworn supervisors shall also receive training in relation to the usage of reviewing capabilities for administrative purposes.
Sample Policy 4: The training unit commander/training officer shall establish a training program to ensure that all officers equipped with BWCs, including supervisors and command staff members, along with officers and civilian employees who access or handle BWC recordings, are familiar with the equipment/software and provisions of this directive.

  1. The training programs shall include instruction on the proper use and operation of the unit and the companion software program.
  2. Additional training may be required at periodic intervals to ensure the continued effective use and operation of the equipment, proper calibrations and performance, and to incorporate changes, updates, or other revisions to policy and/or equipment.

Does BWC training cover BWC policy?

Sample Policy 1: All members who are authorized to use BWC/portable audio video devices must complete mandatory training provided by the department to familiarize themselves with the recording system and departmental procedures prior to its use. Officers shall complete training on the following items:

  1. Policy and procedures associated with the use and operation of BWC/portable audio video devices.
  2. Nomenclature of the issued BWC/portable audio video devices.
  3. Use of accompanied software for the issued BWC/portable audio video devices.
  4. Obtaining BWC/portable audio video devices evidence for prosecutorial purposes.
  5. Proper positioning of BWC/portable audio video devices for the best possible recording or potential evidence/incidents.

As part of training operational use, the Chief of Police or his/her designee will review the effectiveness of the PD BWC/portable audio video devices program annually and make revisions or recommendations consistent with current standards and practices.
Sample Policy 2: Deputies who are assigned BWCs must complete an agency-approved training program to ensure proper use and operation. The deputies shall be trained on the following topics regarding BWCs:

  1. technical specifications
  2. uniform placement
  3. activation/deactivation policy
  4. downloading/evidence retention.

Additional training may be required at periodic intervals to ensure the continued effective use and operation of the equipment, proper calibration and performance, and to incorporate changes, updates, or other revisions in policy and equipment.
Deputies are encouraged to inform their supervisor of any recordings that may be of value for training purposes.

Does BWC training include scenario-based training?

Sample Policy 1: The department requires officers to demonstrate operational competency through application during fielding training. Scenario applications are used in the Academy to demonstrate competency.

Does agency review BWC footage to review/improve use of force and officer safety?

Sample Policy 1: The department's Use of Force Review Team reviews every video associated with each use of force incident. This review then recommends any applicable officer retraining, policy revisions, training revisions, or procedural changes.